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What's Happening?

Weekly Events

9:00 AM

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation is a powerful and proven way of calming our minds in our daily life and particularly during times of stress. Our Zoom call begins 5 minutes before 9:00 am.

Zoom Information 
Meeting ID: 460-003-1479   Passcode: 223031

10:30 AM
 In Person and
on Zoom



Our morning worship service via Zoom. Please join us.

Communion is celebrated on 1st Sundays.

Zoom Information
Meeting ID: 890 2875 2320   Passcode: 561905

Call in Number:  +1 646 558 8656


6:30 PM
Dec. 12/2; 12/9; 12/16; 12/23


Advent Study

 We will study "Patterns of Divine Possibility" four consecutive Monday evenings from 6:30-7:30 pm beginning December 2nd on Zoom.

Zoom Information
Meeting ID: 828 1906 6258    Passcode: 414839
One tap mobile +13017158592,,82819066258# US (Germantown)
                          +13126266799,,82819066258# US (Chicago)

Mondays  & Fridays at 11 am.
Church Hall

Yoga for All Bodies
Kath Sargent, a local yoga instructor, is offering donation-based yoga classes to members of Dickey Memorial Presbyterian Church and the surrounding community. Classes  are held Mondays and Fridays at 11am on the 2nd floor of DMPC's Fellowship Hall, the building on the right/the north side of the sanctuary. Attendees need to bring their own mats.


for more information contact Kath:

2nd & 4th Wednesdays
7:00 PM


QWM Bible Study

Our LGBTQIA+ Community bible study. We meet the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month.
Zoom Information:

Meeting ID: 8
45 9941 7949
Passcode: 645000

7:00 PM
Church Hall


Narcotics Anonymous (NA)

Each week, folks gather in our church hall to meet and support each-other in their recovery. Anyone who needs support and help are welcome here. 

Dickey Memorial
Presbyterian Church



5112 Wetheredsville Road

Baltimore, MD 21207

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